World Christianity group must promise not any longer to send Christianity group to Afghanistan

Converting to christianity that Korean christianity group proposes to Afghan people equals forcing Afghan people into the death.

Because the Afghanistan government is afraid of Western protects christianity group, Korean christianity group forcing Afghan people into converting to christianity was not punished.

In result, many Korean christianity groups entered Afghanistan and sang a hymn for Jesus, did christian worship, proposed converting to christianity in Afghanistan-Holy land of Islam.

But Afghan person converted to christianity is punished with death penalty by Afghan law.

In addition, Afghan person converted to christianity has many cases suffer for honorary murder by his family - Before Afgan law gives death penalty to Afghan person converted to christianity.

And Korean christianity group certainly knows this fact.

Nevertheless, Korean Christianity group forced Afghan children into converting of death.

On the contrary......

Did Korean Christianity group prepare for Christian martyrdom?


Abducted Korean Christianity group implore succor even to Islam people.

Korean Christianity group forced Afghan people and Afghan children into converting of death with such a qualification of abject coward.

Korean Christianity group is not even apostle assigned to meaning of Jesus.
Christianity group pretends apostle and works as disgraceful of Jesus.
Christianity group is dirty devil such as epidemic to spread death and sorrow in Afghanistan.
Christianity group is maggots lives off the body murdered by U.S troops like outrageous beast.

It is a fair defense that Taliban abducted Korean Christianity group.

Because Korean Christianity group outrages against Allah and spread death to Afghan people, Taliban abducted Korean Christianity group.

It is the minimum defense act that people living for Allah protecting Afghan must do.

If Taliban had not abducted Korean Christianity group, Christianity group like epidemic devil should spread death to Afghan and outrage against Allah.

The Taliban did not decide to kill all of abducted korean Christianity group yet.
And Taliban can demand something for Jihad.

However, all of abducted Korean Christianity group will be killed if Christianity group and Western do not accept claim of Afgan Islamic people.

World Christianity group including the Korea Christianity group and the Pope must promise not any longer to send Christianity group to Afghanistan.

This is the minimum proviso that must be gone ahead, before negotiation.

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